We are engaged in providing effective services for pest control. We are one of the leading pest control organizations in India. We apply the safest insecticides through our modern equipment for ensuring 100% effectiveness in controlling the pests. This in turn ensures safety of human beings.
Pest Control Measures
Vector Control services:
- These services shall be provided for the control of adult as well as immature stages of the pests. For control of immature stages we shall concentrate on the open areas and surroundings.
- All breeding spots mentioned above shall be treated with Solfac -10% W.P. or Fendona – 5% W.P.
- Inside the premises, we shall use Pyrethrum extract 2% in 0.1% in oil base for control of these pests.
- Particular attention shall be paid to bathrooms, garbage bins, drains and all plants laundry areas.
Disinfestations services:
- These services shall be provided for control of crawling insect pests such as crickets, ants and silverfish.
- These services shall be provided in pantries housekeeping areas, locker rooms,
- Pyrethrum extract 2% in 0.1% strength shall be used during these operations. We shall also use insect glue traps in the pantries.
- Cypermethrin-10% E.C. in 0.1% emulsion shall be used for application in the manholes and drains for control of American roaches.
Rodent Control Services:
- Rats and mice are destructive pests. They damage electric cables, wiring of telephone and electronic instruments, stationary packing materials and other paper goods, carpet and curtains. Rats and mice are injurious to human health because of their ability to transmit various diseases.
- To control these pests, we shall place slow poison Bromodiolone baits at different locations, most likely to be visited by these pests.
- We shall locate live burrows in the open areas and treat them with Bromodiolone baits. These baits shall be monitored during fortnightly visit of our experienced operator.
- Traps will also be used for effective control of rats and mice. Traps are safe and provide quick results.
- We shall be using Cake Type traps as well as Glue Board traps inside the premises.